Monday 23 July 2012

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

- Used to manage router information in a self-contained network (LAN).

- Gateway host sends its routing table to the closest router each 30 seconds.

- Then send the contents of its routing tables to neighboring routers.

- Best for small networks, because the transmission of the full routing table each 30 seconds can load on the network.

- RIP tables are limited to 15 hops. 

- OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) is a better alternative for larger network.

- Two versions of RIP. 
1. RIPv1 -> uses a UDP(User Datagram Protocol) broadcast over port 520 to send updates to routing tables.
2. RIPv2 -> uses multicast to send routing table updates.

1.Cisco How To Configure RIPv1
2.Cisco How To Configure RIPv2

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